Sunday, July 6, 2014

Riddle Riddle Ree 
I see something you don't see....

A Memory Caught in Time

The summer before 8th grade year, how perfect life seemed then. Our forever friends that we vowed never to let time or distance interrupt our friendships.  How we felt as if our little speck in the world was all that existed.   We created memories at the church picnic, sleep overs, pool parties and camping trips. We treated each day as an adventure, not realizing that this little world of ours would forever change. It would change as each person in our class would choose different high schools.  And still while others went to the same highschool, their interest would change and so would our friendships.

But for this moment in time, we had each other. 
 We had memories to hold on to and memories to create.

Riddle Riddle Ree....What Do You See?